2023 Literary Arts



First Place - "Discarded" by Robert Dyer

Second Place - "Standing Tall in the Sun" by Katherine Crain

Third Place - "Something to Talk About" by Julie Cartner

Honorable Mentions

"The Last ‘Ism’" by Rebecca Holder

"Art Therapy" by Brenda Ledford

"What's Wrong In America?" by Paul Baker

"My 1990 Cross-Country Bicycle Ride" by Ralph Breckle

"What It Means To Be An American" by Jacqueline Brown-Williams

"After the Storm - The Great Blizzard of 1960" by Raven Chiong

“There Has To Be an Afterlife” by Jeff Davidson

"Say What?" by Muata Faruq-Farrow

“Literary Arts of Greater High Point Senior Games 2023” by Donna Pinckney

"Life In These United States" by Donna Powers

Life Experience

First Place - "The Nursing Home" by Rebecca Holder

Second Place - "Big Dreams, Big Leagues" by Lenore Rittenhouse

Third Place - "Turkey Call" by Bruce Frazier

Honorable Mentions

"A Miracle, and Nothing Less" by Julie Cartner

"Endurance" by Robert Dyer

"Sharing My Voice" by Eric Mens

"Fortune Fish" by Donna Powers

"Lilac Ashes" by Lisa Roszler

"Downsizing 101" by Jane Sasser

"One Teacher's Legacy of Love" by Raven Chiong

"A Spruce Tree and a Wreath on a Door" by Katherine Crain

"Recollections of My Father" by Jeff Davidson

"A New Perspective" by Louanne Ewald

"How Will I Be Remembered" by Susan Harris

"Growing Up in Surry County" by Pat Hiatt

"The Trial" by Gael Hogan

"Sign Language" by Anne Kissel

"Fishing Anyone?" by Marcelle Martin

"The Joads of Pender County NC" by Dorothy Mason

"The Ancestry Hint" by Janet Meuwissen

"One Minute to Say Goodbye" by Edward O'Neal Jr.

"My Hero" by Zeata Ruff

"A Lesson of Life" by James Shumaker

"Under the Eaves" by Gwendolyn Wescott

"Life Experiences of Gwendolyn M. Whiten" by Gwendolyn Whiten

"In the beginning there was a farm and a second one" by Georgie Wilson


First Place - "The Gift" by Janice Kirk

Second Place - "The Fishy Tale" by Osyth Hilliard

Third Place - "Meeting For The First Time" by Valerie Vickers

Honorable Mentions

"Endless" by Melanie Hayes

"SEARCHING" by Virginia Hill

"De-Nesting" by Anne Kissel

"After the Final Argument" by James Wayne

"A poem you write when you are old" by Iris Adams

"What Happened" by Sheila Ayers

“That’s the Way New Love Is” by Kinney Baughman

"Tired Old Hands" by Patti Beckert

"Overcomers" by Aletha Bland

"Tomorrow" by Susan Brothers

"Reconciliation" by Jacqueline Brown-Williams

"The Hour Before Dawn" by Lea Davis

"The Night Before Christmas" by Peggy Earp

"The Death of Prayer" by Nan Forehand

"I Watch" by Teresa Gentry

"Knitting" by Ken Greenman

"Thank You for Your Service" by Christine Harker

"Wonder" by Susan Harris

"Hidden Treasures" by Gael Hogan

"Painted Trees on the Rez" by Kimlyn Lambert

"Othala" by Steven Lautermilch

"Homeplace" by Brenda Ledford

"Reflections of a Pandemic" by Daniel Little

"The Leaf" by Roger Manus

"Aubade" by Jane Sasser

"In the Garden" by Mark Shanklin

"Time" by Janet Winebarger

Short Story

First Place - "Hattie's Story" by Rita Hollifield

Second Place - "Bessie and Elmer" by Karen McComas

Third Place - "Could I Have This Dance?" by Julie Cartner

"Michael's Very Good Day" by Paul Baker

"Crawford's Ghost" by Sandy Benson

"Barbara O'Bannon" by Jacqueline Brown-Williams

"All for One" by Daniel Bruneau

"The Sunrise" by Mary Ann Cooper

"You Don't Have What it Takes" by Jeff Davidson

"The Chair" by Robert Dyer

"The Aunts Go Marching" by Annie Harlow

"The Ghost of Chestoa View" by Susan Harris

"Katie's Ruined Saturday" by Rebecca Holder


"Cherish The Memory" by Anne Kissel

"Reading the water" by Steven Lautermilch

"At the End of the Road" by Eric Mens


"A Home Fire was Burning" by James Polk

"Making an Impression" by Donna Powers

"Rock and Role" by Lisa Roszler

"Hazel" by Judith Ruff

"Russell" by Zeata Ruff

"The U.S.S. Brassiere" by Jane Sasser

"Saving Grace" by Mark Shanklin

"The French Telephone" by Janet Smith

"Helen's Boutique For The Modern Woman" by Zack Taft

"Love" by Ted Williams