Local Games Information

North Carolina Senior Games (NCSG) began in 1983 with a vision to create a year-round health promotion and wellness education program for adults 55 years of age and better (the age is now 50+).

Each spring, thousands of North Carolinians enjoy participating in a Local Senior Games throughout the State. Local Games may be held from February 1 - June 15. Qualifiers from Local Games are invited to participate in the annual Senior Games State Finals held every fall. Every two years the State Finals winners qualify for the National Senior Games.

2025 Major Changes



Photo provided by Chapel Hill Camera Club

Find Your Local Games

There are 54 Local Games all across the State serving all 100 counties. Find a Local Games in your area and get involved as a participant or volunteer today!



Photo provided by Chapel Hill Camera Club




Official Sports Offered at State Finals: Badminton, Basketball Shooting, Basketball Tournament, Billiards, Bocce, Bowling, Cornhole, Cycling, Shot Put, Disc Golf, Discus, Running and Standing Long Jumps, Football Throw, Golf, Horseshoes, Mini Golf, Pickleball, Shuffleboard, Softball Throw, Softball Tournament, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Track Events (including Power Walking)

Some Local Games may not offer all events listed above, and some may offer additional events. To view what events your Local Games offers, view the Local Games pages on the Find Your Local Games page.




Performing Arts: Comedy/Drama, Dance, Vocal, Instrumental, Line Dance


Visual Arts:
Acrylics, Digital Art, Drawing, Mixed Media (2D & 3D), Oil, Pastels, Photography (Film & Digital), Sculpture, Watercolor

Heritage Arts:
Basket Weaving, Crocheting, General Fiber Arts, Jewelry, Knitting, Needlework, Pottery (thrown & hand-built), Quilting (Hand-Stitched & Machine-Stitched), Stained Glass, Tole/Decorative Painting, Weaving, Woodcarving, Woodturning, Woodworking

Literary Arts:
Essays, Poetry, Life Experiences, Short Stories (fiction)



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Pay Local Games Registration Fees by clicking on the BUY NOW button below. THIS DOES NOT REGISTER YOU, you must already be registered and need to pay additional fees to use this button.

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