Bond Park Community Center
150 Metro Park Dr, Cary
Events: Singles, Doubles & Mixed Doubles
When: September 19, 2025. Please check in 15 minutes prior to start time. Specific reporting times are published in the Final Schedule.
Cancellation Deadline & Last Day to Add a Partner: September 1, 2025. (Everyone MUST be registered by August 1)
Equipment: NCSG provides required shuttlecocks. Participants must provide racquets. Shuttlecocks will be white.
The tournament will be using YONEX AS-30 Shuttlecocks. (Premium Tournament Shuttle. Goosefeather. Medium speed.)
Activity Fee: $5 per event
Safety Measures: Scorekeepers may not be provided.
The State Finals Schedule, Map, Hotels, and more are on the State Finals Information page.
The Rules Book is on the State Finals Sports page.